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  • Audio Systems

Tara Labs

TARA Labs a inceput in Sydney, Australia, in anul 1986.

A inceput prin a dezvolta cabluri si a experimenta diferite tipuri de
conductori. Un rezultat timpuriu a fost cablul pentru difuzoare Phase II, care a fost trimis spre testare revistei Stereophile in anul 1988.

Raspunsul la recenzie a fost extrem de favorabil, a fost coplesitor pentru acest producator de cablu putin cunoscut la acea vreme.

TARA Labs s-a mutat in Statele Unite mai tarziu in acelasi an 1988.

In ultimii trizeci de ani, TARA Labs, este cunoscut in intreaga lume pentru constructia manuala ( hand made ) a celor mai bune cabluri audio high end de varf.

Folosind tehnologii si materiale brevetate si proprietare, TARA LABS a creat multe dintre tehnologiile care sunt utilizate in prezent de multi dintre cei mai importanti producatori din lume.

In 1986 au fost primii care au introdus ,, Air-Tube Dielectric Technology”. In 1988, au fost primii care au folosit cu succes ” Solid Core Conductorsinstead of stranded”. In 1990, din nou au fost primii care au schimbat forma unui conductor rotund in ,,Non-Round” ( effects of skin effect ). In 1998 au fost primii si singurii care au introdus lumii ,, Vacuum – dielectric “.

Cablurile RSC sunt singurele cabluri din lume care folosesc un conductor solid, extrudat, cu o sectiune transversala dreptunghiulara.

Acesti conductori imbunatatesc performanta conductoarelor obisnuite cu miez solid rotund, avand capacitatea de transmitere a curentului ( puterea ) unui conductor cu sectiunea mare, combinata cu liniaritatea frecventei ( precizia muzicala ) a unui conductor cu sectiunea mica.TARA Labs a introdus de asemenea o inovatie in tehnologie ” Isolated Shield Matrix “,care utilizeaza primul scut de interconectare plutitor complet (Floating Interconnect Shield) izolat din lume si o unitate separata numita ” Floating Ground Station (HFX) ” pentru a elimina interferentele de radiofrecventa si interferentele electromagnetice din semnalul audio.

Astazi, TARA Labs produce o gama completa de cabluri si accesorii care sunt vandute prin dealeri in SUA si Canada si Distribuitori in 38 de tari din intreaga lume.Produsele sunt testate periodic in revistele audio de profil din intrega lume.TARA Labs produce manual ( hand made ) toate cablurile in sudul Oregonului, SUA.

Acum, dupa 37 de ani de la infiintare, cablurile audio high-end TARA Labs continua sa castige cele mai multe premii, cele mai multe laude si cele mai multe recenzii pozitive, mai multe decat oricare alt producator de cabluri din lume.

Produsele Tara Labs

Recenziile Consumatorilor

Recenzii preluate de pe site-ul Tara Labs

Positive Feedback magazine / Marshall Nack
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“The Muse cable has extreme resolution…”
Positive Feedback magazine / Marshall Nack
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“As it happened, I had just gotten in new cables from TARA Labs. I inserted a couple of runs of The Muse interconnects between DAC –> pre –> amps. Yes, you know where the narrative is headed next. The view sharpened up. Edge details and textures came into focus—everything came into focus. These are very fast cables—no question about that.”
Positive Feedback magazine / Marshall Nack
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“The Muse relaxed, and musical flow, defined as how the sound moves from note to note, improved. I was happy to note the timbral palette was rich and varied. This is one of TARA Labs hallmarks.”
Positive Feedback magazine / Marshall Nack
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“The Muse signal cables demand to be auditioned as a system. In that implementation, I think you will be surprised at the sound quality delivered. These cables will not be going back to the manufacturer: they have found a home in my reference system.”
Positive Feedback magazine / Marshall Nack
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“With the full TARA implementation—a synergy developed that caught me off guard. The Muse vaulted to new levels of texture and transparency bundled in a very musical package.”
Positive Feedback magazine / Marshall Nack
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“With The Muse in stream, I’m playing more music from my collection and not just the audiophile-approved fare.”
Carl Jerritts / APEX Audio
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“The Omega Evolution speaker cable is as perfect as any cable could be. Blending a remarkable soundstage with instruments hanging delicately in space and absolute neutrality allowing every nuance to shine though. Truly a platinum standard for both tube and solid-state systems alike.”
Marshall Nack / Positive Feedback
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“The Air Evolution transients are sharp edged and fast, as fast as any cable I’ve come across.”
T. Meyers / CA (Air Forte Interconnect)
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“Right out of the box this interconnect sounded great. Fast, transparent and a whole lot of detail in the top end.”
James T. / Michigan (ISM Onboard Digital)
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“TARA Labs onboard cable is what they describe as a controlled bandwidth cable (if I read this correctly on their website) I found it was quite forgiving used with my Wilson speakers which sometimes are on the bright side. (though the Wilsons are awesome!) But using the onboard cable really made my whole setup quite musical sounding…I also use TARA Labs in the rest of my system”
Keith Henry / Audiogon Forum Member “AudioLabyrinth”
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“The Omega Gold has a depth to the sound stage unmatched by any other cable I have listened to, incredible air, bass, mid-range to die for, transit speed is off the charts, very holographic sounding 3-dimensional life like sound, this cable will immerse you in music nirvana, if you want one of the best speaker cable’s available, look no further, truly a game changer.”
Audiodrom / Listopad 2014 MJ
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“The imaging within the soundstage is f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c andso is the purity and clarity of the sound. I wish every cable in the high end audio industry imaged like that…”
Audiodrom Online Magazine, 2014
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“Being there a physical sense of every instrument including its harmonic envelope, the The ISM The 2EX could be contenders to the best speaker cables on the planet.”
David, (Design Audio Video/Texas)
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“I just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for the recommendation and great service. I received the TARA Labs RSC Prime 800 speaker cables. They sound fantastic in my system and are a huge compliment to my Spendor A6’s.”
David, (Design Audio Video/Texas)
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“I just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for the recommendation and great service. I received the TARA Labs RSC Prime 800 speaker cables. They sound fantastic in my system and are a huge compliment to my Spendor A6’s.”
Tom W.
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“As with all Tara products, the AD / 10B imparts no coloration to the sound and I could detect no loss of dynamic range. It revealed the differences between tube and solid state equipment, emphasizing the positive qualities of both. The liquidity and musicality of tubes and the speed and dynamics of solid state.”
Kevin L.
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“I like the Air 1’s better in my system. I also have a pair of Air 2 speaker cables. Amazing sound from both. I’ve died and gone to heaven – I swear. Thanks for your time and research. I am one of your loyal customers that is truly enjoying your efforts. And I did listen to XLO, Straightwire, & JPS Labs. I bought TARA Labs. Amen.”
Audiodrom Online Magazine, 2014
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“The pinpoint imaging of voices behind the mikes was surgically precise. The cable mastered relative distances between the singers and, as a bonus, it also depicted relative heights of the singers. Usually I hear this track with the voices coming as if from the same horizontal level – this time I could hear how tall the singer were.”
Audiodrom Online Magazine, 2014
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“By the clever design TARA Labs have managed to achieve the goal when timing is unified across the frequency spectrum and the system provides crystal clear view of the soundstage not only in spatial domain, but also in temporal domain.”
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